oral language TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, discussion, and thinking -- oral language. The student develops oral language through listening, speaking, and discussion.

Use an oral language checklist during conversational interactions such as lunch, recess, arrival/dismissal, centers cooperative group work, or during oral presentations. The checklist might include the following:

  • The student is able to greet guests appropriately.
  • The student is able to show empathy or understanding of others’ feelings and experiences.
  • The student is able to respond appropriately to others’ feelings and experiences.
  • The student is able to express needs and wants in an appropriate manner, using both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication.


For these skills a teacher can record a + for accomplished, a * for developing and a - for needs improvement.

Social communication refers to the verbal and nonverbal skills we rely on to engage in social interactions. Students in first grade should be able to greet others, initiate conversation by introducing themselves, and articulate needs and feelings clearly. Students must begin to work on showing empathy and compassion for others by being able to make connections between self and peers.