vocabulary strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--vocabulary. The student uses newly acquired vocabulary expressively.

Use a rubric to determine if students know the purpose of a dictionary, word wall, or digital resource and how to use it. The most authentic way to determine students’ abilities is through observing them during classroom instruction. Students may need a picture dictionary or digital resource during writing or a research project.

Sample rubric:

  1. The student is unable to identify and use available resources.
  2. The student is able to identify a picture dictionary or digital resource for finding words but is unable to use the resource for finding words without adult assistance.
  3. The student is able to identify a picture dictionary or digital resource for finding words and is able to use the resource independently some of the time but may require adult assistance often. 
  4. The student is able to consistently use a picture dictionary or digital resource for finding words and is able to use the resources independently most of the time, only asking for adult assistance occasionally.
resources in a digital or web-based form (e.g., e-books, online dictionaries)
Students should be able to use both print and digital resources such as picture dictionaries, primary dictionaries, glossaries, eBooks, and electronic search engines. Students should learn the unique characteristics and capabilities of different types of resources and be able to apply that skill to finding words.