composition strand teks talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student uses genre characteristics and craft to compose multiple texts that are meaningful.

Use a checklist or anecdotal notes during small-group or one-on-one conferences to keep track of whether students are dictating or composing informational texts.

An observational rubric can be used with the above option.

Sample rubric:
1) The student does not dictate or compose informational texts, even with adult assistance.
2) The student inconsistently dictates or composes informational texts with adult assistance.
3) The student inconsistently dictates or composes informational texts independently.
4) The student consistently dictates or composes informational texts independently.

Informational texts are texts that present information in order to explain, clarify, and/or educate. In kindergarten, they might include procedural text, magazines, newspapers, menus, nonfiction books, pamphlets, textbooks.


Donovan, C. A., & Smolkin, L. A. (2011). Supporting informational writing in the elementary grades. The Reading Teacher, 64(6), 406–416. Retrieved from

Summary: As students progress from kindergarten to fifth grade, their writing of information reports will grow in competence and sophistication if teachers adopt a varied, purposeful instructional framework. This article provides a continuum of development of students' informational writing.