writing process TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process. The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions.

Deles a los estudiantes un párrafo creado por el maestro que tenga errores en cuanto al uso de las mayúsculas en nombres propios. Pídales que editen el texto de tal manera que muestre un uso correcto de las mayúsculas en casos específicos de nombres propios, como nombres, lugares geográficos, periodos históricos y títulos de personas.

Further Explanation

En esta expectativa estudiantil los estudiantes deben demostrar que saben reconocer los nombres propios colocándoles letra mayúscula; además, demuestran que son capaces de mostrar ese conocimiento editando distintos textos.

Students are expected to accurately apply the rules for capitalizing geographical names and places, historical periods, and official titles of people. Students should be able to determine how to capitalize historical periods and official titles of people. Students should evaluate the need for or use of capitalization in their drafts and make necessary edits to correct errors.
During the editing stage of the writing process, students further improve their drafts and often prepare for publication by correcting conventions errors. Ensuring that the standards of the Spanish language have been applied correctly helps the audience more easily comprehend the information because they do not have to interrupt their thinking to determine what the writer intended to say.
standard rules of the Spanish language, including written mechanics such as punctuation, capitalization, spelling, paragraphing, etc. and written/oral grammar such as parts of speech, word order, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure