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Knowledge and Skills Statement

Comprehension skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly complex texts.

Asígneles a los estudiantes la tarea de seleccionar un texto para un propósito específico, como hacer un reporte de lectura o leer por placer. Pídales a los estudiantes que expliquen por qué eligieron el texto que seleccionaron usando preguntas como ¿Qué deseas aprender al leer este texto?


Basado en las respuestas de los estudiantes, el maestro puede reforzar el propósito de tener varios tipos de textos, como informativos, literarios, digitales y multimodales.

Further Explanation

Para esta evaluación, los estudiantes deben poder seleccionar en forma independiente un texto para leer y describir apropiadamente el propósito del texto elegido. Los estudiantes deben ser capaces de responder a la pregunta ¿Por qué estoy leyendo este texto? La comprensión de los estudiantes se desarrollará gracias a la experiencia de seleccionar varios textos que cuentan una historia, que ofrecen hechos, que explican un concepto y que describen una experiencia.

When students establish purpose, they set their goals or intentions for reading. They answer the question “Why am I reading this text?” For example, the purpose for reading a text might be to learn a new recipe, be entertained, or learn about a historical event. In assigned texts, the purpose is usually established by the teacher or other adult. However, in self-selected texts, students must define by themselves the specific reason(s) to read a given text.


1. Weih, T. G. (2014). Student-described engagement with text: Insights are discovered from fourth graders. Internal Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. 6(3), 395–414. Retrieved from

Summary: The author posits that for a variety of factors affecting reading instruction, students are at risk of reading for skills instruction alone, so they may begin to see reading as a chore and may develop a lifelong aversion to reading. The author conducts an interview of four questions that elicit students' response to reading and conclude that there is increased opportunity for students and teachers to engage in a more authentic and less-scripted approach to reading through self-selected texts.

2. Scharlach, T. D. (2008). START comprehending: students and teachers actively reading text: the START framework can improve students' reading-comprehension achievement and instruction through the modeling and scaffolding of eight comprehension strategies during teacher read-aloud. The Reading Teacher, 62(1), 20+. Retrieved from

Summary: This study of five third grade classrooms examines instruction designed to use scaffolder reading comprehension strategies. The study gives students the opportunity to select texts and emphasizes the importance of self-selected texts for greater gains in reading comprehension.

3. Daniels, E., & Steres, M. (2011). Examining the effects of a school-wide reading culture on the engagement of middle school students. Research in Middle Level Education, 35(2), 1–13. Retrieved from

Summary: In this study, middle school educational leadership identifies reading as a priority. Students were given choice over what they read and time to read on their own. Student engagement increased because reading was a school priority, but creating time and space to read was meaningless for students who didn't have easy access to books at home. In response, teachers amassed books and created a reading network for students. The results were increased student engagement and the belief, among students, that reading mattered.