multiple genres TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts.

As a class, read and have students act out a play or a scene from a play. Ask students to point out the various elements as they encounter them. Afterward, ask students to generate questions about each element in the play for a class discussion. Encourage students to ask and answer questions about the elements of drama.

Possible Questions:

  • What was the setting of the play? Why was the setting important?
  • Who were the main characters? Who were the minor characters?
  • How would you describe the main character?
  • What dialogue from the play helped you to understand the main character?

Further Information

This assessment example requires students to understand and explain the elements of a drama such as characters, dialogue, setting, and acts. The appropriateness of the questions that students generate and the responses they provide will help demonstrate their level of understanding of the elements in the play or scene.

one of the main divisions of a play An act may consist of several scenes and can run for brief or long periods of time in a performance.
the words spoken between characters in a play, film, fictional work, or nonfiction narrative that establishes plot, character, and the central message of the work
In order to form a complete understanding of drama, students must become familiar with the distinguishing characteristics of drama—characters, dialogue, setting, and acts—and be able to talk or write about them in detail. Dialogue consists of the lines of text spoken by each character. The setting is where and when the events in the drama occur. Acts are one way to divide a play into parts. Students should be able to identify and describe each of these elements either orally or in writing.
a literary work written in a stage play format which generally includes dialogue and stage directions and is intended to be performed