multiple genres TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--literary elements. The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts.

A story's plot provides its organizational structure. Although a story can be told in many different ways, the plot of any story generally includes the same basic parts revealed in the same forward-progressing order: rising action (where the suspense/tension/conflict required in all stories appears), the climax (the decisive point at which the reader knows how the conflict will be resolved), the falling action (where the consequences of how the conflict was addressed play out), and the resolution (how the story ends). Once students understand that each of these structural elements plays a role in developing a story, they can begin examining how these parts were constructed and eventually draw conclusions about why they were constructed in that manner. This analysis of plot elements can confirm comprehension of the text or the need to review these sections more carefully.
the highest point in the plot where the problem/conflict reaches its peak
the element of plot structure that takes place after the climax and begins to resolve the conflict(s) of the story by decreasing formerly established tension before the story moves towards its resolution
the basic sequence of events in a story that includes the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution
the element of plot structure that contains the conclusion or final outcome in a story and, in some capacity, resolves all problems and conflicts Not all stories have clear resolutions.
the element of plot structure that develops the conflict through a series of events to build interest, suspense, and tension and that propels a story to the climax


1.  McConn, M. (2014). Connecting students with the human dimensions in literature: Using Brudern's Modes of Thought to deepen literary appreciation. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 2(2),106–116. Retrieved from

Summary: This article gives teachers a framework to increase students' knowledge of narrative structure, and how it can deepen understanding and lead readers to connections that have meaning in their own lives. Focused on the narrative structure of conflict development—internal conflict and resolution—the author asked students to select a character in O'Brien's The Things They Carried, and determine if the character's conflict was external or internal, using text evidence to support their understanding of the character. Then, students wrote their own narratives, based upon the lessons learned from the reading discussions and personal explorations.

2. Dallacqua, A.L. (2012). Exploring literary devices in graphic novels. Language Arts, 89(6), 365-–378. Retrieved from

Summary: In this article, the researcher suggests that students can use literary devices as a means to make meaning of text. The article demonstrates how graphic novels can be used to implement multimodal and visual instructional strategies that increase the reading comprehension of students.