beginning reading and writing Spanish strand TEKS talk image

Knowledge and Skills Statement

Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell.

De una lista dada, los estudiantes leen palabras con múltiples patrones de ortografía y aprenden que el sonido /k/ puede ser representado por diferentes letras: c, k y q. Los estudiantes resaltan las letras que representan este sonido. Revise su trabajo individualmente.

Further Explanation

Los estudiantes pueden leer con fluidez palabras con sílabas complejas en las que un mismo sonido puede ser representado por varias letras.

Students should use their phonetic knowledge to decode sounds represented by different spelling patterns. For example, the sound /k/ is represented by the letter c when this consonant is followed by the vowels a, o, and u, as in color, curioso, or caracol, the letter k, as in koala, kilo or kínder, and the letter q (followed by -ue and -ui), as in quiero, bloque, barquito, or aquí.
Students are expected to read words that include sílabas trabadas or cerradas. That is, syllables that end in a consonant, like ca-ma-rón, cer-do, cán-ta-ro or ta-mal. Students should also know that, in Spanish, a digraph is a sequence of two letters that represent one single sound. For example, the sequence of the letters c and h make the sound /ch/, like in the initial sound of chico, chorro, or chamarra. Another example is the sequence of the letters ll that represent the sound /ll/ as in the initial sound of lluvia, llanta or llorar. This knowledge is important for the students to correctly decode words that include digraphs.
In the Spanish language, there are sounds that may be represented by different spelling patterns. Students are expected to correctly decode such patterns. For example, the sound /k/ is represented by the letter c when this consonant is combined with the vowels a, o, u. The same sound is represented when the letter q is combined with -ue and -ui. This sound is also represented by the consonant k when it is combined with any of the vowels. Also, the phoneme /s/ may be represented by the letters s, z, c, and x, according to their different spelling patterns.
Phonetic knowledge is the understanding of sound-symbol relationships and spelling patterns.
Students should use their phonetic knowledge to decode sounds represented by different spelling patterns. For example, the sound /s/ is typically represented by the letter s and z regardless of the combination of these consonants with any of the vowels. For example, sol, sentarse, silencio, paso, suma, zapatos, cruzar, manzana, zorrito. The same sound can be made when the consonant c is followed by the vowels e and i, like in cine, cien, cerca, or ofrece. In a few cases, the sound /s/ is represented by the consonant x in the initial position of a word when combined with the letters i and e. For example, xilófono or Xóchitl.
Reconocimiento de las letras del alfabeto y la comprensión de las relaciones entre sonido y símbolo y los patrones de la ortografía.
Usar el conocimiento de las relaciones entre las letras y los sonidos para pronunciar una palabra. Al practicar la lectura, este término se usa específicamente para reconocer y referirse a una palabra y a las sílabas que la componen más que a su comprensión.
Sílabas que terminan en consonante al final de una palabra (por ej., re-loj, man-tel, a-mor) o las que se forman mediante la unión de dos consonantes (por ej., ti-gre, cli-ma, pro-me-sa).